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Friday, September 18, 2015

It Just Gets Better

Now the stomach flu has hit our house.  So I have been quietly crafting away while naps are happening.  I thought my project box would be depleted by now since I have been diligently pulling stuff out to complete but it is still pretty full.  I like Christmas but can't wait to get to the Halloween projects in the box!!!

Thursday, September 17, 2015

 I'm Back

School has been back in session for 2 weeks and already the kids have brought home diseases and of course it is me that gets hit the worse.  Ended up missing 3 days of work and I am still recovering. However when the drugs kicked in and I felt I could sit upright for a few minutes I went to work on creating a few memo holders for Christmas gifts. I up - cycled the backing boards from some damaged picture frames I found at the Put and Take.  I still want to make some matching clothes pins to accompany them.

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Fa La La La La

While I would like to be working on Halloween stuff, I am also still trying to organize my space.  So instead of finding somewhere to store the leftover kits from last year's Christmas card class, I went ahead and finished them. Now they are ready to use, I have one less thing in my project box and at least 9 members of my family will be getting a homemade card this year.